Many of us search the internet for tips, tricks, and hacks that will help us look and feel younger than our age.
(You're guilty!) You can't physically turn back the clock, but you can live a healthy life by eating superfoods and supplements,.
Squats engage your hamstrings, quads, core, and glutes. To set up for the exercise, plant your feet shoulder-width apart.
Pushups will fire up your shoulders, chest, core, and triceps. To get started, assume a high plank with your hands below your shoulders and your legs extended behind you.
Next up is the dumbbell row, which activates your biceps, upper back, and core. Begin standing with your feet hip-width apart, and hold a dumbbell in each hand.
The glute bridge targets your lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. To begin, lie down flat on a workout mat.
Last but not least, these daily strength exercises for women to feel younger wrap up with the plank with shoulder taps. This move engages your shoulders, core, and triceps.