The 12 Most Common Problems Your Home Inspector Didn’t Catch 

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Hidden Water Leaks

Inspectors might not be able to detect water leaks hidden behind walls or under flooring, especially if they're not actively leaking during the inspection.

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Pest Infestations

Some pests, such as termites or bedbugs, may not be visible during the inspection. Their presence can go unnoticed until more obvious signs appear.

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Mold and Mildew

Inspectors may not always identify hidden mold or mildew growth, especially if it's concealed behind walls or in inaccessible areas.

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Electrical Wiring Problems

Unless there are obvious signs of electrical issues, inspectors might not uncover underlying problems like faulty wiring, improper grounding, or outdated electrical systems.

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Structural Issues

While inspectors examine the structural integrity of a property, certain problems like foundation settling or structural shifts might be missed if they're not easily visible.

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Plumbing Problems

Hidden plumbing issues, such as leaky pipes within walls or underground, may not be discovered unless there are clear signs like water stains or poor water pressure.

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Roofing Defects

Roof inspections are typically conducted visually, which means inspectors might overlook minor issues or hidden damage that can lead to leaks or other problems.

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Drainage and Grading Problems

Inspectors generally assess the grading and drainage around the property, but they may not uncover drainage issues that can cause water pooling or basement flooding.